Initial Certification

Initial Certification Decision Information

The initial certification decision is the first certification activity for customers to obtain a management system certificate for their company.

In this case, if the application and review of the application has been completed then it will be followed up to conduct the first phase of audit and second phase audit.

The result of the audit activity conducted by the audit team from SSM Cert will then be reviewed by the certification section of SSM Cert which then the company will receive the certificate of the management system applied if it is stated to meet the requirements of the stipulated standard.

Terms of certification decision

SSM Cert establishes a certification decision for the company based on the evaluation results of audit findings and audit conclusions that have been made and other appropriate information, such as: public information, information on the audit results reports from customers.

Audit Surveillance

SSM Cert conducts audit surveillance or surveillance audit activities so that the company’s management system is regularly monitored, and takes into account changes to its activities, customer information and other to its certified customers and management system.

For audit surveillance or surveillance audit activities include auditing the company’s operational location by auditing compliance with the specific requirements of a certified customer management system relating to the certification standards provided.

Audit surveillance activities, including:

  1. Internal audit and management review
  2. A review of the actions taken against the non-conformities identified during the previous audit,
  3. Complaint handling,
  4. Effectiveness of the management system for achieving the goals of certified clients
  5. Progress gained from planned activities for continuous improvement
  6. Sustainability of operational control
  7. Review of any changes, and
  8. Use of logos and / or other certification references